Therapy for Residents of Upper West Side, NY


It used to be easier to find a therapist. However, in the last several years there have become so many people to choose between that many are overwhelmed even getting into the search. If you are looking for a therapist, I’ve been in practice since 2010, and have years of training and experience that I bring with me.

My aim as a therapist is to make life and the emotions of the day-to-day less stressful and more tolerable and manageable as a whole. I know if you are coming to me that life has likely become overwhelming, and/or you want to have someone help you along and find a way through the internal clutter. Sometimes this may show up as anxiety and depression, other times relationships may become difficult, or you may experience migraine headaches, or struggle with phobias like fear of flying. Sometimes it may show up as chronically jumping into new relationships or struggling to settle down or make decisions.

In the end, we will work to empower you to take the reigns back in your life so you can feel lighter and happier with your path.


    Trauma, relationship issues, and other areas of expertise and specialty are offered beyond what is shown here. Contact me if you’d like to talk about your situation.

    My Office:

    211 W. 56th Street (56th/B’way), Suite 4K

    New York, NY 10019

    Driving Directions from Upper West Side, NY

    • Head south on Broadway away from Columbia University
    • As you travel south, Central Park will be to your left and Riverside Park to your right
    • Go about 2 miles
    • Continue south through Columbus Circle, staying on Broadway
    • Make a left onto 56th St
    • The destination will be on your left

    Reach out to schedule a consultation.

    Schedule Appointment