By Published On: July 17, 2018Categories: Grass is Greener Syndrome

Grass is Greener Syndrome can be exhausting and defeating. People sometimes dismiss this issue with a quick wave of the hand — “Oh, you always think the grass is greener on the other side.” However, for people who do struggle with this issue, it is incredibly frustrating and depleting, mentally and emotionally. It tends to wreak havoc in various areas of people’s lives, especially in relationships, career, or where to live, as well as other areas.

Grass field blue sky

One of my main specialties is working with people throughout the world on this particular issue. Part of what makes the grass is greener struggle so difficult is that it’s actually a collection of underlying psychological and emotional processes that all come together to create the larger struggle, which is experienced as Grass is Greener Syndrome. It isn’t simply decision-making, or commitment, even if these are parts of the larger whole.

While there are many components that blend together to create the foundation of Grass is Greener Syndrome, and they are all worthy of their own discussion, for now, let’s focus on the role of needs, and the starvation of needs.


How Does a Need Become Starved?

Everyone has needs, emotionally and practically. Some needs are more of a priority than others. Some are deal-breakers in various ways for some — such as wanting to get married, or have children, or live in an area that has certain amenities, or work in a job that treats you a certain way, or that you find fulfilling, to be with someone who respects and supports your ambitions, etc. The list of possible needs can go on and on.

However, what happens when you’re in a situation where only some of your most important needs can be met while others aren’t? Let’s say you’re in a relationship with someone who satisfies several things that are important to you, however at the same time, you have other important needs that are essentially left untouched. Maybe you have a partner who is steady and secure, which perhaps is important to you, but struggles with the lack of passion (and other areas), which you also want in a partner.

path with grass on both sides

For the grass is greener thinker, this is an incredibly tough dilemma. The more a need goes unfulfilled, the more starved this piece of you begins to feel, and the more it begins to overshadow those needs that are actually being met. Eventually, the needs that aren’t being met become so starved out that you feel truly compelled to replace what you currently have with what you’re not getting.

In the example above, the starvation of passion begins to completely overshadow the steady and secure qualities that are also important to you (it may resemble a feeling of deadness in the relationship and being drawn towards people who reflect what you’re missing). It begins to feel like you’re losing important pieces of yourself, and you may feel that you won’t survive without them.

Now, this wouldn’t be such a huge problem if you went to a new relationship and satisfied those needs that have been starved, resulting in more happiness and fulfillment. However, for the person stuck in the grass is greener process, what tends to happen next is that those needs are satisfied and fulfilled for a brief time in the new relationship. And then, the needs that are now not being fulfilled (even if they were in the previous situation) begin to get starved out. In the above example, you feed the hunger for passion, but end up losing the stability and security as part of the tradeoff.


The ‘All-or-Nothing’ Problem

Grass is greener Syndrome tends to be a significantly black-and-white process. Some needs are fully being met, and other needs are totally neglected. There’s very little room or tolerance in the grass is greener process for middle ground and emotional compromise without feeling like you’re starving in one area or another. It may become hard to differentiate between needs and desires, or accepting varying degrees of satisfaction for the purpose of achieving greater balance. To be clear, this isn’t out of unwillingness, it’s a deeper part of the grass is greener process.

brown grassThis black-and-white process continuously feeds the grass is greener issue in a cycle, flipping to one or the other repeatedly. The dynamic of starvation-fulfillment and restarvation-refulfillment continues to cycle until the grass is greener process itself can be shifted, as a whole. Essentially, the loop needs to be broken, which people in the midst of Grass is Greener Syndrome can really struggle to do without help (the intentions may be good on one’s own, but this is an incredibly emotionally-based pattern, and people often try to overcome it with their mind, which only goes so far).

What makes things even more difficult is how much more is going on in Grass is Greener syndrome than just this starvation mechanism. Consider the starvation of needs to be one layer of the overall foundation of the grass is greener issue.

Generally, by the time people start to experience the symptoms of Grass is Greener Syndrome, the underlying foundation has been well established. When people come to me, they are often stressed, feeling hopeless, frustrated, and burned out by the toll this issue has taken on them.


You can overcome Grass is Greener Syndrome

When it comes to needs and the starvation of needs, it’s important to note that many people who struggle with this issue have a tendency to struggle with needs, in general. Whether it’s not knowing how to balance competing needs in a relationship, or feeling uncomfortable or unsure of how to have your needs be relevant in the first place, or find it difficult to advocate for your needs, etc., the issue of needs is often complicated in people who struggle with Grass is Greener Syndrome.

This all being said, as complex as it may be, it is possible to overcome Grass is Greener Syndrome. I’ve seen many people come through the other end of this struggle. It may be hard to imagine shifting the cycle from where you are now, but it isn’t hopeless.

Contact me to learn more about Grass is Greener Syndrome and how I can help you break this cycle.


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